AgentChat API
This document describes how you can use the ChannelMobile AgentChat API
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This document describes how you can use the ChannelMobile AgentChat API
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All endpoints are available below, containing information necessary to run each.
Here is a link to our SwaggerHub documentation, you can use our testing credentials to make API calls and try everything out for yourself right now.
Password: Something23!
The API call to logon the agent and return a session token
The current version number
The unique email address and the username the agent will use to login
The password corresponding to the unique email address
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The API call to initiate a password change for an agent
The unique email address and the username of the agent
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
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The API call to log-off the agent and invalidate the session token
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
No body
The API call to send a message to a chat
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
The ID number of the Chat from which the message is to be sent
The text of the message
Type of file being attached to the message
The name of the file to be attached to the message
The base 64 encoded file content
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The API call to add a comment to a customer
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
The customer ID of the customer that the chat belongs to. The customer must be linked to an active chat
The Comment being added.
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The API call to transfer a chat to a new department.
The ID of the chat to be assigned
The ID of the department that the chat must be transferred to
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
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The API call to transfer a chat to a new agent. Business Rules: 1. Chat must be assigned. 2 Agent must be online.
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
No body
The API call to assign a new chat to the calling agent (Agent making the GrabChat call)
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
No body
The API call to return a list and details of unassigned, open and closed chats
The type of Chat which has to be one of the three Valid Values: open, unassigned, closed
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
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The API call to return the details of a chat to be exported, this data will be in a csv format
The unique ID number of each chat
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
No body
The API call to update the status of a chat to closed
The unique ID number of each chat
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
No body
The API call to update the status of a Chat to assigned, when assigned to an Agent
The ID of the chat to be assigned
the id of the agent the chat must be assigned to, if not specified, the chat will be assigned to the agent that is performing the call
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
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The API call to create a new Agent
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
The full name of the Agent
The unique email address and the username the agent will use to login
The role ID of the user being created, 1 = Agent, 2 = Manager
Array of Department ID numbers that the agents will be assigned to
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The API call to keep the session active
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
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The API call to update an existing Agent’s details
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
The ID number of the Agent to be updated
The name of the Agent to be updated
The mobile number of the Agent to be updated
The unique email address, which is also used as the username, of the Agent to be updated
The array of notifications to enable. (Note the current version only has UnassignedChatsWaiting )
The role ID of the user being updated 1 = Agent, 2 = Manager
The status ID of the Agent being updated 1 = Offline, 2 = Busy, 3 = Onbreak, 4 = Online
Array of Department ID numbers that the agents will be assigned to
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The API call to create a new Department
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
The name of the department to be created
Must the Department Name be included in the welcome menu
The name of the Department as it will be included in the welcome menu options
Welcome message for returning customers
Welcome message for new customers (typically includes POPIA information)
Option number in the welcome menu
To Enabled the Department (true/false)
The list of tag ID numbers that will automatically be tagged to the Department being created
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The API call to update an existing Department
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
The ID number of the Department to be updated
The name of the department to be updated
Must the Department Name be included in the welcome menu
The name of the Department as it will be included in the welcome menu options
Welcome message for returning customers
Welcome message for new customers (typically includes POPIA information)
Option number in the welcome menu
To Enabled the Department (true/false)
The list of tag ID numbers that will automatically be tagged to the Department being created
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The API call to return a list of Departments and corresponding setting and message details
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
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The API call to update a Customer’s details
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
The ID number of the customer to be updated
The full name of the customer
The customer’s email address
Text field to allow comments
The ID of tag assigned to the chat. Note that the chat must be active as the tags are linked to the chat not the customer
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The API call to return the results of a search for a customer
The mobile number to search for, in international format
Flag to include the chats for the mobile number
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
No body
The API call to add a tag to a chat.
NB The CustomerID or ChatID must be specified in the request.
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
The ChatID of the chat the Tag must be assigned to.
The customer ID of the customer that the chat belongs to. The customer must be linked to an active chat
No body
The API call to create a new Tag
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
The ID number of the group to which the tag will be allocated
The name of the tag to be created
Flag true to enable and false to disable the ability to create a tag
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The API call to remove a tag from a chat
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
The ID number of the Chat from which the Tag is to be removed
The ID number of the Tag to be removed
No body
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
The ID number of the tag to be updated
The name of the tag group to be updated
Flag true to enable and false to disable the tag
No body
The API call to delete a Tag
The ID of the tag to be deleted
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
No body
The API call to create a new Group of Tags
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
The name of the Tag Group to be created
Flag true to enable and false to disable the ability to create a Tag Group
No body
The API call to update an existing Group of Tags
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
The ID number of the tag group to be updated
The name of the tag group to be updated
Flag true to enable and false to disable the TagGroup
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The API call to create a new Canned Response
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
The name of the canned response to be created
The text of the canned response being created
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The API call to update an existing Canned Response
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
The ID number of the canned Response to be updated
The name of the canned Response to be updated
The text of the message of the response
No body
The API call to delete a Canned Response
The ID of the canned response to be deleted
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
No body
The API call to update Working Hours
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
No body
The API call to create a new schedule of Reports
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
The ID number of the recipient to receive the report
The ID number of the report the recipient will receive
The format of the file containing the report the recipient will receive
The time over which the reports will be sent
The method of delivery of the report
The day or days of the week the reports will be sent to the recipients. Monday is 1, Tuesday 2, etc
The time of the day each report will be sent on SheduledDay. Format: HH:MM
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The API call to return the values of the Live Metrics of the Dashboard
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
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The API call to return details for all available reports
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
No body
The API call to return the reporting data shown on the dashboard
The period the report data must be grouped by
, month
, quarter
, year
, all
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
No body
The API call to delete a Scheduled report
The ID of the schedule to be deleted
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
No body
The API call to create a new Recipient of emailed reports
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
The full name (first name and surname) of the recipient
The email address of the recipient to which data, report or other information will be sent
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The API call to return recipient details and corresponding report and schedule sending details
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
No body
The API call to delete a Recipient of an email report(s)
The ID of the recipient to be deleted
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
No body
The API call to update the company’s Agent Chat setting
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
No body
The API call to return the company’s Agent Chat settings and messages
The current version number
The session token returned by the AgentLogon call
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